Augmented Reality and Tourism Industry
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page. And Augmented Reality app is
Cool features of Google’s latest Android Version-Android 12
Android is the most popular smartphone operating system in the world, running on more than three billion smartphones. As a
Beginners Guide to Trunk-Based Development (TBD)
To create high-quality software, we must be able to trace any changes and, if necessary, roll them back. Version control
A complete guide to SQL from scratch- Part-III (Joins)
Introduction In our previous blogs, we have covered the basics of SQL(Structured Query language), DDL (Data Definition Language), and DML(Data Manipulation
Importance of knowing your products well
source- Knowledge, as your elementary school teacher may have told you, is power. They were completely correct in their assessments. Too
Quality Assurance for Dummies
What is Quality? Before diving deep into the definition of the concept of QA (Quality Assurance), let's try to establish our
Why is Martech taking over marketing in 2022 and how you can be a part of the wave?
2020 changed the entire world’s perception and interaction with Internet. With everything going online, the need to advertise and market