
Let’s Work Together

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My One Year at StatusNeo: Breaking the mould and walking the talk!


Whoever coined the phrase “time flies” must have had a year like mine since joining the crew at StatusNeo, exactly a year ago.

From juggling my initial role as a Delivery Manager to morphing into a Presales and Delivery Excellence leader, my professional hat has had more twists than a roller coaster! My journey wasn’t just about swapping job titles; it embraced a much-awaited parenting-break, which, by the way, introduced me to a 24/7 job that came with no manual. Stepping back into the fold, StatusNeo welcomed me with open arms, and a red carpet. The gender column in my employee form might as well have been invisible, for it never shaded their judgment or the opportunities that came knocking on my door.

Every day at StatusNeo is akin to turning the pages of an never ending encyclopaedia. Learning isn’t just a necessity here; it’s our bread, butter, and occasional beer! I’m not just thankful; I love what I do. My work is not merely a task but it makes me feel alive each day every day (maybe except Saturdays!).

Now, don’t get me wrong. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns. Adopting a growth mindset in an exponentially growing organisation is like nurturing a sapling in a thunderstorm. You’ve got to be relentless, pushing the envelope, sometimes tearing it altogether, or sometimes bang your head onto the wall, to witness the seed you planted bear fruit.

Yes, there are challenges, ones that don’t politely knock on your door but barge in like uninvited guests. Yet, nothing matches the addictive taste of success as you conquer them using your own blend of strategy and instinct. 

At StatusNeo, the currency of trust is valued more than diamonds. Independence isn’t just encouraged; it’s a lifestyle. Imagine being handed the paints and canvas and being told, “Go create a masterpiece, will you?”

As I look back on this crazy year, I realize it takes a village to nudge (sometimes shove) an individual toward their best self. Everyone’s taught me a thing or two, but some of you have left fingerprints on my journey, and that’s special.

Mandhir, you’re my rock. Seriously, whenever I’ve nearly tipped over the edge, there you were, ready to listen to me. You’re like the best agony aunt without the tea and sympathy!

Gaurav, You probably don’t realize it, but you were the fork in my road, and I took the one less travelled by. Thank you!

Shankar, It’s been non-stop, pedal-to-the-metal since we started, and guess what? I’ve learned heaps, way faster than I thought possible. Brace yourself for more fights, cribbing, a few tears. This is just the beginning as we build EMEA.

Karan, you are the wind beneath my wings.

As I celebrate my one-year work-iversary, looking back on the exponential growth, both of StatusNeo and my personal journey, I am nothing but optimistic. I’m ready to dive headfirst into another year of challenges – onward and upward

Here’s to more boundaries to push, more challenges to turn into stepping stones, and more success stories to write. Cheers!