Catapult Your Performance to the Stratosphere with StatusNeo is a powerful platform for managing software development workflows, facilitating collaboration and transparency across teams. However, like any software,
Backstage: Plug and Play Your Way to Developer Happiness with Custom Plugins, Spotify's open-source platform for building developer portals, has quickly become a popular tool for managing software development workflows. Its
Reasons Why TypeScript is Essential for Modern Web
JavaScript is the most popular programming language for front-end web development. However, in recent years, TypeScript has gained popularity among
Redux evolution with Redux Toolkit (RTK)
Redux is a state container for JS applications. It is widely used for state management in SPA but we must
Have You Downloaded The State of Serverless Infographic Yet?
“Serverless” is here to stay. Introduced in November of 2014, AWS Lambda has already been adopted by nearly half