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Navigate Automotive Hacking Risks and Safeguard Your Vehicle

Brief Overview

In today’s world cars are becoming more connected to the internet and are shifting to EVs so automation, it is necessary to be aware of potential risks and take precautions to safeguard our loved ones from hackers. Automotive hacking is the practice of exploiting vulnerabilities in a vehicle’s computer system, networks, or its function to gain unauthorized access, manipulate, and extract sensitive data. Hackers nowadays have found a new frontier to explore and learn from. Automotive hacking has introduced new challenges like steering wheel lock and immobilizers which earlier were used to protect cars from theft.

In this blog post, we will understand the world of automotive hacking and the measures we can take to keep our vehicles safe and secure.

Cybersecurity Hazards in Automotive Hacking

Automotive hacking involves retrieving private information, tampering with the controls, obtaining illegal access, and disrupting networks.

Here are some cyber security risks that are linked with automotive hacking.

  1. Remote Hacking: In remote hacking, hackers try to access a vehicle’s system remotely, which means from around anywhere without permission, then they can control critical functions such as steering and braking.
  • Physical Security: This involves physically modifying the car’s part to get access, hackers gain physical access to vehicles onboard diagnostic port, which is their common entry point of attack.
  • Data Privacy Concerns: IoT devices that are installed in vehicles tend to collect large amounts of data about the user who uses it, it can be from location data to personal information. This data could be used to create a structured profile of the user, which can be further sold to advertisers or can be used for other purposes without permission.
  • Software Vulnerabilities: Flaws that are there in the software of a system play a crucial role in gaining access for hackers, this can be used to disable safety features, control acceleration, control braking, or cause accidents.

Prevention of the attack

Prevention is a must to keep our vehicles secure. Below are the measures to protect your vehicle:

  1. Keeping software up to date.
  2. Keep ensure that the OBD-II port is secure.
  3. Limit wireless or remote system.
  4. Always scan USB drives before plugging them.
  5. Use trusted products in your vehicle.


When it comes to automotive hacking, the combination of mobility and technology presents previously unheard-of difficulties. Fortifying cyber defenses is a vital need in today’s era as we are moving closer to a world of linked vehicles. To ensure a safe and secure automotive environment, a persistent commitment to innovation, security measures, and strict regulation should be implemented. The road to resilient automotive cybersecurity is a continuous one, and being aware is essential in the ever-changing cyberspace.